Thursday, March 4, 2010


Time is an elusive concept. The sand that trickles down the hour glass is forever in two minds; it does not know whether to quickly succumb to gravity and fall to become another particle of the past, or to delay the process and cling onto the present. It is cruel. It prefers the earth when we are elated. It favours the sky when we are in despair. It is omnipotent. We cannot escape its influence.

I am no exception.

As a prisoner confined within the indestructible walls of the tempered hour glass, I am perpetually endeavouring to catch the modicums of sand falling from the heavens and make futile attempts at casting them back from whence they came, only to delay the inevitable. Needless to say, this is an aimless endeavour. But I am convinced that we are all eternally fighting against the ticking hand of the clock, like Bart Simpson trying to reverse the flow of toilet water in that famous episode where he takes a trip to Down Under. Such is life.

In a nutshell, I won't be able to update this blog as frequently as I would like to given time constraints. But hey, made you think! ACT IV coming soon.

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