Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quick Entry: Photogenic (or not)

I don't remember when it was exactly that I began detesting the idea of having my photo taken. Direct a camera lens at me and I will instinctively shield my face as if a firearm was pointed at my nose ready to be fired point blank.

Those who are not photogenic will empathise with me. We lack the bullet-proof armor that would shield us from the rounds fired from the NIKON D-SLR at the nightclub or the camera phones of snap-crazy people.

Candid photos? Instant death.

I could never comprehend why there was a such a stark disparity between what is plain on the photographs and perceptions of myself through my own eyes. The same thought arises without fail each time I observe a picture of myself: "I distinctly don't remember being this ugly."

Yet why would the camera lie? It does not conspire to make certain people look like shit. It does not cunningly whisper to itself: "Oh look, here's that wanker guy again. Time to spread some turd on the lens to cover his face." It records what is there. So is that really me?

I hope not.

Note: I know, I know. I'm procrastinating. I'm half done with the play. It is now mid semester break, so I'll have some time to complete it.


  1. haha agreed
    i remember in high school standing in the myer changerooms which have like 43289732895789 mirrors showing your every angle. i remember thinking, wtf i don't look like that from that angle...DO I!?!??! T___T"


    stand infront of a mirror and figure out your camera face :D

    this is because of pris pointing a camera at you for 2 days ? LOLOLOLOLO :P

  3. Btw sunny, have you watched this?

  4. ehhh! false accusation vicki! consume!

  5. Roland Barthes here, I like your blog! Here's a quote from me!

    "In my imagination, the photograph represents the very subtle moment where I am neither subject nor object, but rather a subject which feels himself becoming an object: I live a micro-experience of death (of the parentheses): I become truly phantom."

    If only I was alive to see the Internet!
